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Fishing image
Exploring how human land use impacts Leopard Sharks
Jonathon Kuntz, PhD candidate, with a Leopard Shark (Triakis semifasciata) on Tomales Bay, CA with HyeJoo Ro (PhD student), Alejandro Montiel Torres (undergrad intern), and Sora Kim (faculty) (CDFW...
Follow The Leader
A family of elephants march across the plains in Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique. (Image Credit: Dr. Matthew Hutchinson)
flowers image
Flower Field Ecology
UC Merced undergraduates survey spring wildflowers at the UC Merced Vernal Pools and Grasslands Reserve. (Image Credit: Dr. Matthew Hutchinson)
How To Catch A Kudu
Wildlife biologists close on a kudu antelope that will be fitted with a GPS collar to understand antelope movement behaviors. (Image Credit: Dr. Matthew Hutchinson)  
Soil image
One Organism's Waste Is Another's Paradise
Mushrooms emerge from a decomposing pile of elephant dung in Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique. (Image Credit: Dr. Matthew Hutchinson)

In an era marked by global ecological challenges and rapid biodiversity loss, the study of Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation Biology (EECB) has never been more critical and compelling. The 21st Century is witnessing an urgent need for individuals equipped to navigate and mitigate the complexities of environmental crises. The undergraduate majors in Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation Biology at the University of California, Merced, which include both B.S. degrees in General and Pre-Health tracks, instruct students in the intricate relationships within natural ecosystems, evolutionary processes, and conservation strategies vital for preserving our planet's biological wealth.   
The EECB program at UC Merced teaches ecology, evolutionary biology, and conservation biology as interconnected and dynamic fields of study, emphasizing data-driven ecological analysis, hypothesis testing in evolutionary biology, and practical conservation strategies. The curriculum is underpinned by foundational concepts from various disciplines including Biology, Data Science, and Environmental Sciences. Students opting for the EECB B.S. will gain deep insight into areas such as organismal ecology, the processes giving rise to the Tree of Life, and cutting-edge conservation practices.  
The EECB B.S. offers two emphasis tracks:  

  • General - Students have flexibility to tailor their studies to their unique interests and career aspirations 
  • Pre-Health - Provides students with expertise in ecology, evolution, and conservation biology, while simultaneously fulfilling the Medical Education Core Coursework, opening the door to medical school and other health fields. 

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General EECB Emphasis Track

Required Upper Division Core Courses

Genetics (BIO 140)
Evolution (BIO 141)
Fundamentals of Ecology (BIO 148)
Conservation Biology (BIO 149)

Pre-Health EECB Emphasis Track

Required Upper Division Core Courses

Genetics (BIO 140)
Evolution (BIO 141)
Fundamentals of Ecology (BIO 148)
Conservation Biology (BIO 149)
Human Physiology (BIO 161)
Principles of Organic Chemistry (CHEM 008/008L)
Organic Synthesis and Mechanism (CHEM 100)
Biochemistry (CHEM 111)

Employment Outlook for Program Graduates


Scientist holding a fish


2022 Median Pay in California: $96,021  

288 job openings/year*  

6.2% projected growth in 2022-2032